What Determines How Long Delta 8 Stays in Your System?

Delta-8 THC is one of the market's most rapidly growing cannabis products. However, have you ever wondered how long delta-8 stays in your system? Do you fear a drug test?
In this article, we'll look at factors influencing how long Delta 8 stays in your system. For example, the various types of drug tests can detect and how to flush it out of your system before your test.
- Age, weight, genetics, metabolism, and general health are all factors that can influence the duration of delta 8's presence in your system.
- Multiple factors influence the duration of a Delta 8 high, including the user's tolerance, absorption method, and potency.
- Delta-8 is legal and considered less intense and safer than delta-9, but it can still result in a positive drug test.
Table of Contents
- How Long Does Delta 8 Stay In Your System?
- Factors That Determine How Long Delta 8 Stays In The System
- How Does Delta 8 Affect The Body?
- How Long Can I Expect the High To Last?
- How Long Before I Can Take My Test & Do So Safely?
- Can Drug Tests Detect Delta 8 In The Body?
- How Do I Flush Out Delta 8 From My System?
- FAQs About How Long Does Delta 8 Stay In Your System?
How Long Does Delta 8 Stay In Your System?
Delta-8 THC is a rapidly growing cannabis product that users like because it is similar to Delta-9 THC, the primary psychotropic component in cannabis products. Delta-8 THC is derived from hemp or marijuana and is used in various cannabis products; it has less potency and subtle effects than Delta-9 THC.
Delta-8 can remain in the body for 2 to 30 days. However, it is not that simple. Despite being a less potent form of THC, Delta-8 can leave marijuana metabolite residues in the body for up to a week or longer. Therefore, it is essential to know how long it takes for the body to eliminate the substance before a drug test.
Factors That Determine How Long Delta 8 Stays In The System
Delta 8 will typically remain in your system for up to 30 days. However, it is different for everyone. In addition, it can differ depending on several factors.
Delta-8's duration in your system is directly related to the dosage you take, which is quite predictable. A small dose of delta-8 will be eliminated from your system more quickly than a larger dose. In addition, the potency and quantity of the product, such as delta-8 gummies, can impact your dosage. Delta-8 gummies are available in different potencies, ranging from 25 mg to 125 mg, and the number of gummies you consume determines your serving size.
Frequency Of Use
The frequency of delta-8 usage can significantly affect the time it takes for the body to eliminate all metabolites. If you've used delta-8 sporadically or just once, the metabolites will likely clear out of your system relatively quickly. However, if you're a frequent or long-time user, it can take longer for all metabolites to leave your system.
Age, Genetics, And Metabolism
Age, weight, genetics, metabolism, and general health are all factors that can influence the duration of delta 8's presence in your system.
People with a faster metabolism are more likely to eliminate delta-8 THC faster, resulting in lower concentrations of the compound remaining in their system. For example, young adults typically have a faster metabolism, which means they can clear delta-8 from their systems more quickly.
The amount of the liver enzyme CYP3A4 you have can also affect how quickly your body processes delta-8. When you have more of this enzyme in your system, it takes less time to metabolize the cannabinoid than when you have less.
The rate at which delta-8 degrades can also be affected by your overall health and the supplements or medications you take. For example, many supplements and drugs require CYP3A4 for metabolism, so combining them with delta-8 may cause them to take longer to break down.
How You Consumed The Product
Delta-8 THC can be consumed in various ways, including gummies, vapes, tinctures, flowers, and others. However, the method you use has a significant impact on how quickly delta-8 metabolizes.
When you inhale delta-8 THC through vaping or smoking, your body metabolizes and eliminates it more quickly. One study found that inhaled cannabinoids are removed from the body nearly twice as fast as other methods.
Delta-8 is more difficult for your body to process and metabolize in edibles such as gummies, cookies, or pot rocks. As a result, regular edible users may have delta-8 THC in their system for up to a month or more.
How Does Delta 8 Affect The Body?
Our bodies are extremely complex, with numerous intricate systems working together to keep us healthy and functioning correctly. While you may be familiar with some of these systems, such as the respiratory or nervous systems, one less well-known but equally important system is the Endocannabinoid System.
The Endocannabinoid System is in charge of maintaining body balance, also known as homeostasis. The Endocannabinoid System comes into play here, explaining why our bodies are so receptive to cannabinoids like Delta 8 THC. When Delta 8 THC is consumed, it interacts with the Endocannabinoid System's CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors are intended to receive endocannabinoids to supplement and regulate our bodies so that they can function optimally.
How Long Can I Expect The High To Last?
Multiple factors influence the duration of a Delta 8 high, including the user's tolerance, absorption method, and potency. Vaping Delta 8 produces a high that lasts about 1-2 hours while consuming edibles can prolong the high for up to 8 hours. Unlike Delta 9 THC, Delta 8 does not usually cause paranoia when the high begins.
The duration of Delta-8's effects varies according to the amount consumed. It can last up to eight hours, depending on an individual's tolerance and metabolism. Delta-8 onset time is typically 15 minutes with most nano-enhanced delta-8 water solubles, but this may vary depending on the type of Delta-8 product used.
How Long Before I Can Take My Test & Do So Safely?
Delta-8 is legal and considered less intense and safer than delta-9, but it can still result in a positive drug test. Because THC metabolites can remain in your system for weeks after your last use, the time it takes to eliminate them from your system is critical in determining your chances of passing a drug test.
The type of drug test you must take also plays a role in determining whether you will pass or fail. For example, if you are subjected to a blood test or an oral swab after using delta-8, detoxing for three days is usually enough to pass the test.
You must detox for at least three months to ensure that delta-8 is removed from your hair for hair follicle tests. Urine tests are the most commonly used method of detecting drugs in the body, and you must detox for about ten days before taking the test. It is critical to avoid using any drug during this time and find ways to "clean up" your system.
Can Drug Tests Detect Delta 8 In The Body?
The type of drug test used to detect Delta 8 in the body is vital. Standard drug tests are intended to detect drug substances in the body and determine how long they have been since they were consumed.
Urine Test
Delta 8 THC has a half-life of 24 hours, which means that a single dose of Delta 8 THC is likely to show up on a urine drug test for up to four days after use, though it can remain detectable in the urine sample for up to two weeks in consistent users. Delta 8 THC detection time is also affected by frequency of use, with occasional users clearing their system in three days, moderate users in 5-7 days, heavy users in 10-15 days, and chronic users in 30 days or more.
Saliva Test
Cannabinoids in saliva can be detected using saliva drug testing for up to 29 days, with detection time varying depending on how frequently Delta 8 THC products are used. For example, occasional users can be identified in one to three days, while chronic users can be identified in up to 29 days.
Blood Test
Blood tests for Delta 8 THC can reveal traces of the substance for up to two days after the last use, but Delta 8 can be detected even after 25 days in heavy and long-term users.
Hair Follicle Test
Hair follicle tests are the most difficult to pass because they can detect cannabis use up to three months prior. Hair follicle tests, on the other hand, are not commonly required by law, with blood, saliva, and urine tests being the most widely used to detect THC metabolites.
How Do I Flush Out Delta 8 From My System?
While not using Delta 8 THC or any other substances is the best way to ensure that you pass a drug test, there are some things you can do to speed up the process. These methods cannot guarantee that your system is free of the substance, but they can assist in flushing it out.
Drinking plenty of water before the drug test is one method. This can help eliminate the substance through urination and dilute the remaining THC metabolites. Some experts advise taking creatine 20 minutes before the test to help shorten the time Delta-8 remains in your system. Urinating several times before the test may also be beneficial. The more urine you can remove from your system, the less likely THC metabolites will be detected.
Another method is to make and drink a detox drink, which typically contains around 20 oz of fluid, creatine, B vitamins, and a zinc supplement. This drink should be consumed 60 minutes before the drug test. Furthermore, drinking cranberry juice and eating fiber and protein-rich foods can be beneficial. These methods, however, may take longer than a week to become effective.
It's important to note that these methods aren't guaranteed to eliminate Delta 8 THC in your system, primarily when used alone. Therefore, it's best to use them as backup methods while you wait the recommended number of days to clear your system.
FAQs About How Long Does Delta 8 Stay In Your System?
Does Delta 8 clear your system faster?
The Delta 8 THC will likely clear out of your system in less time than its traditional Delta 9 counterpart. However, the time it takes your system to deplete the Delta 8 THC depends on several factors, including how much you've consumed and how frequently you use it. These factors can cause Delta 8 traces to be detectable in your system for five to fourteen days.
How long does Delta 8 show up on urine tests?
Delta-8 THC is most commonly detected in urine tests, commonly used for employment drug screenings and other situations requiring a quick result. Delta-8 THC is usually detectable in urine tests for several days to a few weeks after use, depending on the frequency and amount of use.