What is CBD Oil? - How to Use, Benefits, & Side Effects

CBD. By now it’s likely that you’ve heard (or seen) these three letters in any number of places; from your grocery store to your local cafe, CBD seems to be everywhere. At this very moment you can likely pick up a wide assortment of CBD products not too far from your home: yoga studios, smoke shops, and alternative health clinics are all great places to seek CBD products and information. Since hemp-derived CBD products first started hitting the shelves in 2014/2015, their popularity (and subsequent demand) has increased at an astonishing rate. Commercially, the U.S. CBD market is expected to be worth $2.1 billion by 2020 (The Street). Not bad for a product that only came to market 4 years ago.
Even the government has realized CBD’s potential. Earlier this year, for the first time in history, the FDA approved an epilepsy medication derived from CBD (FDA). This legal recognition, as well as many other factors, are contributing to the widespread appeal of CBD oil.
You have likely seen people raving about CBD oil and its many uses all over your social media. It cured their pain, they can sleep well again, seizures, spasms, anxiety, addiction- all more manageable because of CBD. So is this just hype? Ongoing scientific evidence as well as innumerable anecdotal stories say that it isn’t. Research suggests that CBD can help: chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia, arthritis, epilepsy, high blood pressure, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, and more (WebMD). But, what exactly is CBD oil?
What is CBD oil?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 80 phytocannabinoids, or chemical compounds, produced by the cannabis plant. Although CBD comes from cannabis, just like marijuana, the difference is that CBD will not get you high. THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is another type of cannabinoid, and is the compound responsible for giving marijuana its mind-altering effects. While THC is psychoactive, CBD is not. As long as your CBD products do not contain THC or only a very trace amount of it (as you would find in hemp-derived CBD products), you can reap all of the medicinal and therapeutic benefits of CBD without getting the “high” intoxication that THC is responsible for. In fact, CBD can actually counter those “high” feelings and acts as an anti-psychoactive, reducing the effects of the THC.
So what exactly is CBD “oil”? Well- that’s a little unclear. CBD oil is a catch-all term that refers to various forms of CBD. CBD oil is formed when you take cannabinoids from the cannabis plant and mix them with a carrier oil, like MCT (a form of coconut oil). CBD oil can also refer to tinctures that are taken orally, or to CBD vape oil- a form of CBD that is specifically meant to be smoked (also referred to as CBD vape juice or CBD vape liquid).
As it stands, the meaning of the word “CBD oil” is fairly loose in the industry. However- it should be noted that even though many forms of CBD are called “CBD oil”- not all of these have interchangeable methods on ingestion. The CBD oil in your tincture is not meant to be smoked, much like the CBD oil in your vape is not meant to be ingested or applied topically to your skin. Please make sure that you know what method of ingestion is right for the CBD “oil” that you have.
What can CBD oil be used for?
Not only does hemp-derived CBD oil contain high levels of cannabidiol, but it is also rich in vitamins, nutrients, minerals, volatile acids, and antioxidants which can further promote your overall health.
Studies, such as this one, have shown that CBD helps reduce chronic pain by impacting endocannabinoid receptors in our nervous system. Those who suffer from fibromyalgia and arthritis are finding that CBD oil offers pain relief. In fact, CBD has already been approved in Canada for treating pain caused by multiple sclerosis and cancer.
CBD oil is also known to reduce anxiety, stress and prevent depression. This is because it increases the body’s levels of “positive” hormones and neurotransmitters in the body (NCBI, NCBI2). CBD oil also has a strong sedative quality, which promotes a better quality of sleep and can help treat insomnia.
Evidence has shown that CBD oil can be used to treat cancer and help alleviate the side-effects of cancer treatments, like nausea caused by chemotherapy. One study even suggested CBD may inhibit the spread of aggressive breast cancer cells in mice, but more studies in humans would need to be conducted before making a final conclusion. The antioxidants naturally found in CBD also have anti-mutagenic properties, which can help decrease the risk of cancer.
Numerous studies have shown CBD oil’s effectiveness at reducing seizures, and in June 2018, the FDA approved the use of the drug Epidiolex, a form of cannabidiol, to be used legally to treat two rare types of epilepsy – Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet Syndrome (FDA).
So, how do you use CBD Oil?
One of the fantastic qualities of CBD oil is that it’s so versatile and easy to use! You can use a vape pen to inhale it, put a few drops under your tongue or in a beverage, apply it topically on your skin, or consume it in any form imaginable (gummies, chocolate, tea, honey, yum!). We would like to reiterate here, again, that not all forms of CBD have interchangeable methods on ingestion. Before taking any CBD product please make sure that you are taking it in the manner recommended by the manufacturer.
Gold Standard CBD offers many product options to choose from, including our hugely popular Honey Stix, which make a delicious snack, or our CBD vape pens, which can be smoked discreetly and conveniently.
CBD Oil Side Effects
A 2017 preliminary report from the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that using pure CBD has not been associated with public health problems and that CBD does not show potential for dependence or abuse (WHO). However, some possible side effects have been associated with using CBD oil; the most common being sedation, mild gastrointestinal issues, and change in appetite.
There is no doubt that our knowledge on the benefits of CBD oil, and the regulation of its use, are both continually growing, and for a good reason. Because of CBDs natural and non-habit forming medicinal and therapeutic properties we have no doubt that the use, study, and general acceptance of CBD will only continue to grow in years to come. For those seeking pain and anxiety relief (to name a few) we support your search into the benefits of CBD oil, and we hope you find a product that works for you!
If you have any questions about the many uses, forms, or benefits of CBD, feel free to shoot us an email at info@goldcbd.org, or get in touch with us on any of our social channels (IG: gold_cbd, FB: Gold Standard CBD).